Sunday 11am in Cambridge
From 11:00am to 12:15pm with Gen Khedrub
This world needs more peace. We can all be a part of bringing this about by becoming a more peaceful person. An essential part of being able to benefit others is becoming stronger ourselves and creating more balance in our life.
This Sunday morning meditation class will look at Buddha’s teachings on patience and on the practice of loving kindness. Each week will include:
guided breathing meditation
a short teaching on how to access more inner calm and kindness
a practice of some short chanted prayers in English called Prayers for World Peace
a concluding contemplative time
The Power of Patience
January 12 - How to become more patient
January 19 - Being patient with ourself
January 26 - How to respond without anger
Becoming a Friend of the World
February 2 - Practicing giving and receiving
February 9 - Non-harmfulness
February 16 - Taking care of ourself
February 23 - Living lightly with wisdom
Eight Steps to Happiness
March 2 - The power of our mind
March 9 - Preparing for meditation
March 16 - How to open our heart to gratitude
March 23 - The benefits of cherishing others
This class is usually taught by Gen Khedrub at our Cambridge location, unless mentioned otherwise. You can read more about our team on our Teachers page.