Harvard Meditation Events

GSAS | HLS | Cabot House

Meditation & Stress Relief
A meditation series with Buddhist Monk Gen Khedrub

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed during your studies? Do you find it hard to unplug and take a real break? Do you wish you could learn simple methods to quiet your mind and feel refreshed?

If so, come join us for a Spring meditation series with Buddhist Monk, Gen Khedrub, where you will:

  • Learn to apply Buddhist wisdom to relieve stress and worry

  • Practice simple meditations that you can do at home

  • Ask questions in Q&A times to improve your meditation skills 

*No prior experience required. Everybody is welcome!

Note: Only open to Harvard affiliates.

GSAS Schedule
Location: Lehman Hall, Harvard Yard

Thursday, February 6 from 4-5pm

Thursday, March 6 from 4-5pm

Thursday, April 3 from 4-5pm

Harvard Law School Schedule:

Details: WCC, Room 1019, 12:15-1:30pm

Details coming soon!

Cabot House Schedule:

Details: Cabot’s Wellness Room, For more information click here.

Saturday, February 8 from 5-6pm

Saturday, March 8 from 5-6pm

Sunday, April 13 from 7-8pm

Gen Kelsang Khedrub has been a Buddhist monk and meditation teacher for over 30 years, practicing under the guidance of Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. He is a Harvard alumnus (AB class of ’92). He has taught Buddhism and meditation across the country and regularly gives special events at universities and corporate settings. He is currently the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Boston, located in Cambridge, near Davis Square.