Choose Kindness

A mini retreat with Gen Zamling (KMC Chicago)

May 16, Friday 7-8pm | May 17, Saturday - 10:00am to 12:30pm

Friday, May 16 | 7:00-8:15pm

During this special evening event Gen Zamling will explain how to develop an authentic experience of loving-kindness through the practice of equalizing self with others. By becoming a good-natured person we can solve our daily problems, improve our relationships with others and maintain a happy, peaceful mind all the time. Learn how to choose kindness in your life.

Saturday, May 17 | 10:00am-12:30pm

Going deeper in the practice of loving kindness, Gen Zamling will guide us through the extraordinary meditations that Buddha taught on the practice of exchanging self and others. We will explore how to take better care of ourselves so that we can be in a position to be of more benefit to others. And Gen Zamling will share some essential advice on how to make our practice of meditation more enjoyable and effective in bringing about the inner change that we all yearn for. 

Gen Zamling has been a student of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso for many years, and has taught in both the United States and in the UK. He is currently the Resident Teacher at KMC Chicago. Gen Zamling is known for his practical approach, warmth, and clarity. He is well-loved by his students, and sets an immaculate example of someone who has taken Buddha's teachings to heart.