New Year’s Day: Amitayus Retreat

Wednesday, January 1 - 10:30am to 4:30pm

Ring in the New Year with special Buddhist prayers and meditations for everyone in the world to enjoy a long life, good fortune, and wisdom. You are welcome to join for a session, or for the day.

The meditation practice of Buddha Amitayus is a profound and effective method for improving our energy, life force and wisdom. The contemplations and meditations contained in the practice enable us to let go of ordinary conceptions so that we can begin to identify with our pure potential. And by improving our own nature, the normal stresses of daily life become easier to manage, and we become empowered to express kindness and concern for others.

Session times: 10:30am to 12:00pm | 1:30pm to 2:45pm | 3:15 to 4:30pm

You are most welcome to join in for just one session and make it part of your New Year's Day activities.

Day Retreat Tickets

Session Tickets